Sunday, April 12, 2009


HAHA...sorry Satya....i am not a hardcore blogger okay....just that i don't have the time to blog...and knowing me i take super long to even do a post especially if i have pictures that will take me like a million years....i've been like super busy with the pictures for yearbook just so you know...SERIOUSLY...HELP students have some handwriting issue...i was looking through the list and i can't even read the handwriting.So what's been happening to me lately...apart from college college college and tuition tuition tuition i guess thats about it....nothing really interesting happened,and the photo sessions were a disaster not to mention people putting in wrong details ,wrong image number, that was definitely a big headache. Mocks are coming up ,and exams would be around the corner....i just want JUNE to come fast so i can travel and hopefully my trip to perth wont have any last minute cancelations,college is just so stressing now, pretty pressuring too since there are so many smart students in my class and obviously i'm not one of them....and I miss my dance classes, although i still go for them but not as often as the last time though....i miss having my never ending activities but now i just have no time for them.Oh wells...i guess thats college life for me now...And i recently recieved a letter....guess who was it from....Sang Min....all the way from sydney...the letter was like super cute and he's handwriting is just so adorable....that letter really made my day...i guess i'm just wierd in my own ways....i get happy just way too easily...which not really a good thing....but only at times it is....Well i guess i'll be stopping now...see ya next time...


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