Sunday, March 1, 2009


Firstly i want to say, Keng Sein i am so so sorry i couldn't attend your awesome 18th birthday but i'm sure you enjoyed it without me since there were so many people there celebrating it with you...that way i don't feel so bad...haha but anyway HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :D...don't worry i was actually spritually there...althought that freaks you out a bit since i'm not blog is pretty out dated la...Keng Sein's birthday is actually on the 27th February....and why i couldnt attend this party was because i went up to GENTING....haha its been ages since i actually went up to what,8 years ago...when i was 10...I think i'm not mistaken i went with my cousins....anyway thts not the point...Why was i in genting you ask?although no one is actually asking...LOL i was in genting because i went to see the malaysian international dancesport championship....It was pretty good actually...i have never seen so many international couples since i started watching competitions like 2 to 3 ye
ars ago...I definately enjoyed that night... 

Here are some pictures i took that night

Sorry for my bad photography skills....i just found out that i was supposed to use the flash after a long time later....and that was when my camera battery was already dying...LOL...

                                         The Seatings

                                                      Judges Area

                                                     The international competitors

Favourite Modern Professional Couples

Jonathan Wilkins and Hazel Newberry
(1st Runner Up)

Yuta Nakagawa and Kumiko Nakagawa


Riccardo Cocchi and Yulia Zagoruychenko

Franco Formica and Oxana Lebedew
(First Runner Up)


Loke Tze Hao and Su Li
(6th Placing)


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