Friday, October 23, 2009


Tomorrow is the day...The BIG DAY...just another 11 hours and 53 minutes to go(to be precise if things do not delay...)Don't even know whether I'm really ready for it...Just so you know I'm talking about my dance exams...not like anyone cares...but yeah...i just hope i don't screw things up tomorrow and get good marks...Hoping that our examiner would be more linien since he's a guys but I'm guessing not cause my level is pretty high and we're suppose to be good but actually I'm not =(
Thank god I'm actually only doing 3 dances for my Latin or else i might die...if I'm not mistaken the same exact thing this time happened again somewhere around this time last year...last minute choreography,finishing all dances only at the last minute... Early this year i told my self "Yi Shan you must not procrastinate,what happened last year shall not be repeated".Well that's what i told myself,but sadly the same exact thing happened again ,actually its was worse cause I'm not really good at all of them...Last year i had to do 27 different dances for 6 levels...and i manage to survive,seems so much easier actually...but this year things seems so much harder although I'm just doing 9 dances...It was like a huge step for Latin when we changed dance teachers...So much harder than what i did in bronze,silver or gold...
Ballroom is pretty okay...Hopefully Kon Hao does not sprain his ankle this year...praying hard for that boy...I would say among all my ballroom dances my tango would probably be the best...(I think) and for my Latin maybe it would be my rumba...hope i don't screw up for my cha cha cause that's what I'm worse at...

WELL all the best to me...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yi Shan's little Adventure =D

I guess it is time to update my blog...pretty long since i updated that i can't even remember when...So what's been happening since the last time i updated...Well loads has been going on really...I had exams...I'm sure most of our A Level students are aware about it....stressing about all those stuff.... Doing last minute revisions...well more like studying everything again within a month since i don't really pay attention in class and procrastinate a A LOT...Well but i guess all the studying paid off and all those breakdowns which i always have....well not completely since i did pretty badly for Econs and mechanics....definitely not my favourite subjects...but pretty satisfied with the rest since i expected those 2 to be really bad...
Well apart from that the yearbook turned out well...Although there were some minor errors in the book like having two of the same person's picture in the book just that the names are arranged differently...In case if u fellow HELP students did not notice(its in the HA01 intake towards the end) wait i should correct myself it should be "you fellow HELP A-LEVEL students..."
My holiday was awesome...although it wasn't really a proper holiday its just that my papers finished early so i get a one month break and i went to PERTH....yes all by myself...(whoa yi shan's a big girl now =p) It was pretty awesome...met new friends...more like AnQi's friends...Lauren,Yuhki,Sean,Lyndon,Vera and Regina....They were really nice people and also hanging out with them was a blast...double date with Lauren and Yuhki...of course my date was always AnQi,shopping with Lauren,Yuhki,Sean and Lyndon...Spending time at the beach with Kev,Vikra and Regina and Pizza night with Vera...We had so much pizza that night it was crazy....actually met more people but i guess these are the people i actually remember...I did had a fun time...i still remember the first day AnQi brought me to a club...WHEN I LANDED ON THAT EXACT SAME was fun...AnQi wanted me to change in the car...but i was just too shy too many guys...LOL...and Sean thanks for the tour around the city that night...although you could have gone clubbing dancing and getting drunk you chose to take me around which i'm sure is pretty boring for you since you actually LIVE there...i really did appreciate that was pretty beautiful...sadly we didn't take pictures though,my baby was with WAI KIT =( [I'm talking about the camera just so you know]...I was also pretty glad to see my "HUSBAND" wai lun and my awesome friend IAN....haven't seen him in ages and i really do miss him so much...and oh i shouldn't forget i met Kevin in long lost primary school mate that i haven't seen for years....well actually the last time i saw him was at Audrey's sweet 16 about 2 years ago?I just heard Wai Lun saying "oh Vikraman's friend is coming too and his name is KEVIN"...never expected it to be HIM...till i saw him in the city...i literally went "OMG....YOU'RE KEVIN TAN HSIEN JIN..."it was pretty fun ,i had an great time hanging out with Kevin and Vikraman ...we went to the beach,wine tastings,cheese tastings and CHOCOLATE FACTORY *YUM* didn't really get to do much since i had to leave and they were nice enough to send me off to the airport...I would also never forget the time when IAN brought me to UWA that was awesome btw...LOVE YOU LOADS......
Let's see what happens after Perth...oh right was awesome....and why?I think we all know the answer to that don't we?I met a lot of my primary school mates...some of my elementary school mates...Seniors....I was pretty glad i didn't screw up my feet was killing me that night though...those stupid killer pumps...i guess its the price to pay for nice shoes...and really sorry ant you had to carry me all the way back to the must have hurt your back so much...

Well i guess i should stop here...You guys probably need time to digest my stories...that's if you're even reading it XD

See Satya i did update my blog =D

Sunday, May 10, 2009


OMG...i'm so inlove with this song...Caccini Ave Maria...i have been looking for this song like for AGES....and i finally found it...How i found it?LOL funny story is this song was one of my warm up songs for my stretching during dance class...but seriously this song is awesome...i know its pretty emo-ish....but its a really nice emo song XD....I can't stop listening to it....have been repeating it over and over again...well my favourites songs currently will be this and also Love Story Meets Viva La Vida...thanks Sher Min for recomending me that awesome song too...It's so touching how he dedicated the song to his daughter Sarah....i want a Daddy like that too...But too bad my dad doesn't play the piano...oh wells....My Daddy is an awesome Daddy although he can't play the piano.... 

Here are the two songs...

And one more thing...before i forget...Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've been so caught up with college that i totally forgot i even had a blog...LOL....anyways there is nothing much happening lately....just exams coming up....yearbook stress with all the pictures i have to hand in...promtay is around the corner...and i still don't even know the dance yet....TERUKNYA ini yi shan...and with the 2 weeks i have to study i really have to put those 2 weeks in good use....or else...LOL dont think you wanna know...I just can't wait to go to Perth relax and see all my boyfriends and many things i have to do...Sorry Sang Min i know i should have replied your letter like ages ago but i kept on delaying...because of college and i really want that letter to look really nice with all the cute decorations and all...hopefully its worth the 1 month wait...anyways i gtg...will try to update soon... =D

Sunday, April 12, 2009


HAHA...sorry Satya....i am not a hardcore blogger okay....just that i don't have the time to blog...and knowing me i take super long to even do a post especially if i have pictures that will take me like a million years....i've been like super busy with the pictures for yearbook just so you know...SERIOUSLY...HELP students have some handwriting issue...i was looking through the list and i can't even read the handwriting.So what's been happening to me lately...apart from college college college and tuition tuition tuition i guess thats about it....nothing really interesting happened,and the photo sessions were a disaster not to mention people putting in wrong details ,wrong image number, that was definitely a big headache. Mocks are coming up ,and exams would be around the corner....i just want JUNE to come fast so i can travel and hopefully my trip to perth wont have any last minute cancelations,college is just so stressing now, pretty pressuring too since there are so many smart students in my class and obviously i'm not one of them....and I miss my dance classes, although i still go for them but not as often as the last time though....i miss having my never ending activities but now i just have no time for them.Oh wells...i guess thats college life for me now...And i recently recieved a letter....guess who was it from....Sang Min....all the way from sydney...the letter was like super cute and he's handwriting is just so adorable....that letter really made my day...i guess i'm just wierd in my own ways....i get happy just way too easily...which not really a good thing....but only at times it is....Well i guess i'll be stopping now...see ya next time...


Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm on the phone with sherry now :D

haha random i know...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yi Shan is back from Singapore :D

My 2 day trip down to Singapore was pretty fun actually...We kinda did get lost in singapore...thanks to mummy...we were driving around singapore for like an hour plus before we arrived at the hotel.We were like super hungry so we went for the buffet...Not everything was good but there were good food and it was raining so we went shoppin pretty late...Since i only had 2 days i didnt really have time to do much...If only I had time more time in Singapore that would definitely be way better...that way I get to spend more time hanging out with my cousins Denise ans Desiree and at the same time i have more time to camwhore with Sher Min...and Chong Lee....LOL....The baba, nyonya family reunion dinner wasn’t that fantastic though...there were only 12 tables...I actually expected more but quite a number didn’t turn up...Though I did meet up with some long lost cousins,uncles,aunties and grand uncles and grand aunties....from different generations...Although we were the ones who stayed like right upstairs...But we were the last ones to arrive...the dinner ended like at 10 ish....pretty early I must say...I expected it to end at like 12 or latest by around 11.30 ish...but it was just slide shows about ancestors and talking about our family house in malacca that needs restoration...our baba nyonya old house place...have no idea what it was called...I did learn about some other stuff that wasn’t in the family book that night though....The people who presented the slideshow that night was pretty boring(no offence)...I wanted to read the slides but the words were too tiny and I was pretty far from the projector...After everything was done we just took some pictures and that’s about it....the fun part was just dressing up and wearing kebaya after all ill would only probably like wear a kebaya probably a million years later...but not everyone wore kebaya though...The next morning was pretty interesting...I went out with Sher Min and Chong Lee...finally met Chong Lee...but super dumb la forgot to take pictures...had breakfast at a bit...and Chong Lee had to go back to the hostel...Sher Min and I went to takashimaya...First place we went was into tiffany...although we couldn’t afford it we just went to tengok tengok only la...We went to Cathay after that and took those like sticky pictures....the person working there is like super rude and there was one area that smells like stinky feet(you won’t want to know)...while walking back to takashimaya we camwhored on the way...we're like super random la...doing lame poses taking pictures at random places...The journey back from Singapore was super hot though...eventhough my mom's car was tinted I was still uncle said I was having a sun tan session...LOL...ate wan tan mee in was GOOD :p....but the journey was pretty tiring la...have no idea why even I slept through the whole journey...Guess i'm a pig :p *snort*...Lets see some pictures :D 

The baba nyonya dinner night...

GongGong and PoPo

From the left : Mummy,PoPo and yours truly :D

It was either Christian or Julian's camera Kristie was holding...Canon 50D

Seating : Uncle Ron, Mommy and ME
Standing : GongGong


From the left : Aunty Keline, Alice, Lester, Grand Uncle Ronnie, Aunty Kessy and Kristie

My Guia Lou Uncles :D

Eugene wasn't here though...

Seating :Grand Aunt Carolyn and Grand Uncle Tak (don't really know how to speel his name :P)

Standing : Julian and Christian

Seating: Grand Uncle Richard and Grand Aunt Ruby

Standing : Uncle Lionell, Angellina, Sean and Aunty Amanda

Seating : PoPo and Gong Gong

Standing : Mummy, Uncle Ron and I

The four brothers (4th generation)

From the left : Grand Uncle Richard ,Grand Uncle Stanley, Gong Gong and Grand Uncle Tak

With the wives and Grand Uncle Ronnie :D

From the left : Grand Aunt Carolyn, Grand Aunt Lee Wah, PoPo and Grand Aunt Ruby

Mummy's generation(5th Generation)

From the left : Aunty Keline, Aunty Maya, Aunty Kessy, Aunty Amanda and Mummy

My Generation (6th Generation)

From the left: 2 of Aunty Maya's daughter(i didnt know their names :p), Kristie, Me, Alice and Angellina

5th and 6th generation combine,(The Guys)

From the left : Didnt know his name too(i'm such a bad relative), Christian,Julian,Uncle Ron and Lester and Sean who is in front

From the left : Mommy, Aunty Kessy and Aunty Maya

With Great Grand Uncle David, his wife Veronica and son Richard

Believe it or not but Richard is 26 and he is my Grand Uncle to be exact :p

Camwhore-ing with Sher Min

Sticky Pictures we took

I have pretty obvious eye bags....OMG

Peace out

Seriously i had no idea what i was doing :p

Yi Shan has never seen a public phone that short before that she had to bend down to call :D

Sher Min and I Camwhore-ing in Takashimaya

She ran out of posses to do ???

Finally a new one!!!

Yi Shan likes Cartier

My Family Book "The House of Gim Bee"

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Firstly i want to say, Keng Sein i am so so sorry i couldn't attend your awesome 18th birthday but i'm sure you enjoyed it without me since there were so many people there celebrating it with you...that way i don't feel so bad...haha but anyway HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY :D...don't worry i was actually spritually there...althought that freaks you out a bit since i'm not blog is pretty out dated la...Keng Sein's birthday is actually on the 27th February....and why i couldnt attend this party was because i went up to GENTING....haha its been ages since i actually went up to what,8 years ago...when i was 10...I think i'm not mistaken i went with my cousins....anyway thts not the point...Why was i in genting you ask?although no one is actually asking...LOL i was in genting because i went to see the malaysian international dancesport championship....It was pretty good actually...i have never seen so many international couples since i started watching competitions like 2 to 3 ye
ars ago...I definately enjoyed that night... 

Here are some pictures i took that night

Sorry for my bad photography skills....i just found out that i was supposed to use the flash after a long time later....and that was when my camera battery was already dying...LOL...

                                         The Seatings

                                                      Judges Area

                                                     The international competitors

Favourite Modern Professional Couples

Jonathan Wilkins and Hazel Newberry
(1st Runner Up)

Yuta Nakagawa and Kumiko Nakagawa


Riccardo Cocchi and Yulia Zagoruychenko

Franco Formica and Oxana Lebedew
(First Runner Up)


Loke Tze Hao and Su Li
(6th Placing)


Yi Shan finally has a blog...People check whether its raining candies!!!

I think this is probably my like 10th blog or something like that....I usually just can't be bothered continuing a post after the first one...My first post are usually
relatively long but after the first post i will not be blogging anymore...I guess its mainly because im lazy and after a while i just forget...I'm pretty new to blogging since i have never properly blog-ed before so dont mind the messiness of my blog...and WAI LUN refused to teach me how to blog...such a meanie...haha i'm just joking Wai Lun is a nice guy(don't kill me okay wai lun) anyways i dont think i have much to write for the first post...but i do have something to write for the second post...i shouldn't be talking about different topics in my first post anyway so just check out the second post....

note: Sorry for my randomness and my lameness for my first post